There are 10,000 baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) retiring per day in the U.S. – and will be for the next 15 years. These folks are receiving an average social security check of $1,200 per month, as well as meager savings and pension funds in certain cases. So where can you live on $1,200 per month? For many people, the answer is an RV park. Here’s why living full time in an RV park makes complete sense for retirees.
It’s Inexpensive
If you have a budget of $1,200 per month, then you have to be frugal. And living in an RV park is very frugal, indeed. Most RV parks cost $20 per night, including all utilities. That means that you have your housing and utilities completely covered for $600 per month. That leaves you $600 for insurance, gas, food and such – which is not impossible to do.
It’s Upscale
It’s one thing to be cheap, but what makes RV parks unique is that they offer cheap living in an upscale environment. Living in a Class-C apartment in the ghetto is also cheap, but who wants to live like that? So is living in a hut in Ecuador, but is that really the kind of living you desire? RV parks offer affluent people with expensive toys, who are well-travelled, safe and respectful of their neighbors.
It’s Entertaining
The whole point to the RV park is to entertain the guest. As a result, living in an RV park is hedonistic pleasure at its best. There are normally lakes to fish, pools to swim, paths to walk, mini-golf to putt, pavilions to sit, sports to play, BBQs to eat, people to meet – non-stop fun at every turn. And that does not even include the nearby destinations.
It’s Like a Vacation 24/7
The general feel of an RV park has the excitement of being on vacation. You can’t live in an RV park and not wake up each day feeling that you’re on vacation.
You are around other seniors
You don’t have to live in an expensive retirement resort to be around your peers. Baby boomers are, by far, the largest age category of RV owners, and you will find seniors at all RV parks in abundance.
When you get bored, you can change your environment at will
One of the best things about living in an RV park is that, if you get bored or don’t like the atmosphere, you can just turn the key and move to another one. No other form of housing gives you the freedom of choice like an RV park. The lease is day-to-day, not twelve months in length. You don’t have to sell your home to move to a new locale. You just pick a new spot, and hit the highway.
Living in an RV park is a terrific option. As more people learn about this, it’s going to become a more common occurrence. This will, of course, bolster RV park occupancy hugely, as instead of two or four weeks a year, these same RV owners will be paying rent for 52 weeks.