The May 2024 RV Park Investing Newsletter

The Magic of Buying Illiquid RV Parks

The late Sam Zell was always an advocate of only buying assets with liquidity. That was the secret that allowed him to get in and out of real estate when he felt a crash was coming. And it saved him from doom in the 2007 Great Recession, as he was able to unload his office holdings right before they crashed. His nickname was "the Gravedancer" as he was able to nimbly get out of asset sectors right before they turned bad, as well as buy them when others thought they were doomed and they were actually about to head up. But illiquidity can actually serve as a tool when buying RV Parks if you use that lever to your advantage.

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RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 102 - The Pending Power Of Lower Rates

It would appear that interest rates are about to begin their descent after the fastest rise in 40 years. Beginning in 2022, Jerome Powell from the Fed decided to take the rates from 0.25% to 5.5%. However, that all appears about to turn and this will usher in some great advantages for RV Park investing. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review what these benefits will be.

Listen To Episode 102

RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 101 - Let The Broker Provide And You Decide

Brokers have been the source of more than half the deals we’ve purchased over the past 30 years. But one big mistake some buyers make is to look at the broker as more than just the source of the RV Parks they buy. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the reasons why you should keep all brokers as great resources for deal flow but not turn them into deal evaluators or sounding boards for your turn-around concepts.

Listen To Episode 101

A Fresh Look at "Buying a Job" by Investing in an RV Park

The term "buying a job" is often viewed with skepticism when it comes to investing in real estate. However, this skepticism isn't as prevalent when discussing substantial educational expenditures aimed at securing future employment. For instance, spending $200,000 on a law degree or $400,000 on medical school is generally seen as a justified pathway to a professional career. So why view real estate investment, such as owning an RV park, any differently?

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