The January 2025 RV Park Investing Newsletter

Why RV Parks Would Impress Business Schools

Business schools, like Harvard, focus on analyzing models that deliver consistent profitability, long-term value, and alignment with broader economic trends. Although there isn't an RV park case study from Cambridge yet, it's safe to say that RV parks—as an investment—would capture their attention. Let's explore why.

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RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 116 - The Remarkable Flexibility Of The Business Model

Most forms of commercial real estate are set in stone. You can’t easily convert a factory building into a hotel or an apartment complex into a retail strip center. However, RV parks hold the enviable ability to morph into a number of product lines based on market demand. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the chameleon - like nature of real estate’s most adaptable business model.

Listen To Episode 116

Getting It McDunn at Trinity Alps RV Park

Dan McDunn recently bought an RV Park in California called “Trinity Alps”. He’s agreed to film his progress during this project and we will be releasing them as regular features at RV Park University.

Watch The Video

Pursuing Independence: How Owning an RV Park Can Reshape Your Life

Many people wonder if their current routine truly aligns with their deeper aspirations. Perhaps you crave a more flexible schedule or a healthier balance between work and leisure. Owning an RV park could be a practical way to break free from the constraints of a conventional job while still generating an income you can count on.

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RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 115 - Understanding The Different Types Of Partners

In the RV Park universe there are basically three successful types of partners. But what are they and how do they work? In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review these three type of partnerships, discuss how you could benefit from them, and explore how to manage them successfully.

Listen To Episode 115

Stand Out to Succeed: The Role of Individuality in RV Park Investing

Many people spend their lives trying to conform, aiming to fit in with the crowd. Think back to the pressures of high school and the unease of being different. This fear of standing out often extends into adulthood. Yet, when it comes to owning and managing an RV park, individuality can be one of your greatest strengths.

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