The stock market has had a great ride since it’s Covid-inspired bottom. But how much of that was reality and how much was fantasy? The current decline in the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq are sobering reflections on the fact that the market is mover overvalued than at any other moment in American history – even worse than 1929 based on analytics. Charlie Munger – Warren Buffett’s business partner – has been warning about an apocalyptic market correction for months. And now it appears to be finally here. So in light of the fact that stock market “gambling” is no longer paying off, have you considered investing in an arena that is built on the fundamentals of income and cash flow and not PR and logo design? And a great investment niche that meets all these criteria is the simple RV park.
Read MoreThe January 2022 RV Park Investing Newsletter
An RV park seems like a simple business model, but maximizing its profitability is just as complicated as landing a spacecraft on the moon. Using scientific protocols to enhance your RV park is essential if you want to really optimize your profitability and efficiency. But how do you do it? In this RV Park Mastery Podcast, we’re going to discuss how you can bring science to any RV park to get a handle on making it the best income property it can be – as well as the most appreciated by your customers.
Listen To Episode 46Money is money, but how you get it can have differing impacts. Whether bank debt, "hard money” or finding a capital partner, your selection can have a huge impact on your quality of life and ultimate profitability. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the options to pay for RV parks, and what the good and bad aspects are to each.
Listen To Episode 45Many people know nothing about RV park investing. But others are aware of the opportunity. And if you are one of those people, the big question is if you are going to take action on that desire in 2022, or let another year pass without exploring the possibilities of building financial independence with one of these properties.
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