If you are looking at buying an RV park in 2018, there is a methodology that greatly improves your odds of finding the right property in the shortest amount of time. Here are the steps you should take:
#1: Create a sorter
Identify and distill the exact characteristics of the ideal RV park. What investment size? What geographic location? What type of cap rate? How will it be financed? Types of amenities? Make a complete list, but leave out the trivial items that are not deal “makers” or “killers”. The sum of these crucial criteria is your “sorter” which means that it’s what your trying to find deals to fit.
#2: Put as much raw material as you can through that sorter
The key to finding as RV park to buy is volume of deals. How do you find them? A combination of several avenues: 1) on-line listings at RVparkstore.com or Loopnet.com 2) talking with a lot of RV park brokers 3) direct mail pieces to RV park owners and 4) cold calling RV park owners. The more raw deals you put through your sorter, the more potential candidates that will pop out. This is the same theorem as was used in gold mining in the American west.
#3: Look at every deal as a deal “maker” instead of a deal “killer”
It’s easy to be pessimistic and dismiss every deal that comes your way as being not up to snuff. But that’s not the correct way to find deals. A good buyer looks at every deal and says “how could I make this work?” Sometimes the simple discipline of challenging your brain to figure out how to solve each deal will unlock potential. For example, maybe an RV park with bad records can be solved with seller financing. Or maybe the deal with declining occupancy can result in a lower price while you unlock the true demand with better marketing.
#4: Be persistent and never give up
The final ingredient to these first three steps is to add persistence. That means never stopping looking at deals and bouncing them around. Never stopping calling on deals you’ve already identified as good ones. Never getting depressed or losing interest. Remember the story of the starlet who jumped off the Hollywood sign because she thought she’d never get a part, and then they found a letter from a studio announcing that she’d received the part in a movie in her mailbox while they were settling her estate. If she’d only waited a few more days! It has been our experience that those with persistence virtually always find the right deal, regardless of their criteria.
Finding the right RV park to buy is scientific. Follow these time-proven steps and you should be looking at decent RV park deals in a very short period of time.